What a QUIET house we have this afternoon! The grandkids left with Mom about noon. Mom and Dad are probably hearing a lot of “Are We There YET?” from the back seats of the car — family was headed to the coast for a long weekend. We were left in charge of taking care of their pet , REX, a bearded dragon lizard.
Taking care of Rex means that we:
- turn on two special lights each morning about 9:00 and off each night about 9:00
- feed him crickets each morning being sure that they aren’t too large or else he might choke and die (at least we don’t have to hunt for them — they come in a special cricket container from the pet store — but he shouldn’t get more than 10 a day, so we must count them as we drop them into his aquarium)
- chop up some lettuce and/or carrots each morning also so that he gets some veggies with his protein
- change his two water bowls and clean out the itty, bitty “poop” in his cage
- and . . . “most importantly” (says Brielle) “take Rex out and hold and rub him at least twice a day — he really likes that.”
I wonder if Terry got all that down!
Our grandchildren’s parents tell us that it takes them a few days to get “their children” back to normal after visiting with us. Seems we do things to/for/with the grandkids that makes every day living with them a little bit tough. We just chuckle and keep doing things that grandparents do — does it REALLY matter that they get a chocolate malt every night before bed, even if it’s late; or that they can eat on trays in front of the tv; or that they don’t have to take a bath here EVERY night; or that the Tooth Fairy at our house gives $5 for a tooth (the first lost tooth); or that we laugh when we shouldn’t at some comments or behaviors; or that we do just about anything to please our grandchildren?
The question has several answers:
- it doesn’t matter at all when you consider what effect it might have 100 years from now
- it doesn’t matter at all when you consider how special these blessings from God are to us grandparents
- it doesn’t matter at all when you consider some of the special moments and memories these children will have for the rest of their lives
- it doesn’t matter at all, unless you are the parent trying to teach your children the proper ways to eat, to act, and to become responsible adults
- it doesn’t matter at all, if you remember being a grandchild and experiencing some wonderful times with Mamo, Papo, Grandmother, Nanie, Mam, or GranDad (sorry, can’t list them all) — you know it didn’t do any real harm to be spoiled by them.
So, now that THAT is settled . . . back to the quietness at our house.
Hear that noise in the hall? . . . just the a/c unit cycling . . .
Is that someone coming down the hall? . . . no, it’s just our old deaf and blind poodle dog, Beau, bumping into things . . .
Where is that sound of running water coming from . . . oh, the ice maker . . .
The tv has a news program on, what happened to the cartoons . . .
The only things coming in and out the front or back door are sunshine and Beau . . .
While I comtemplate the quietness, Terry and “partners” take advantage of it:
It’s just me and Rex awake, looking around, already missing the noise of precious children . . .