Sunrise, Sunset . . .

It’s Saturday and — just like all the week days of a retired person’s life — so, why the hurry about getting out of bed early? “Early” means some time before 9 am — if for no other reason to stay in bed, it feels great to turn over and think about all the non-retirees on the road heading for work.

However, this beautiful Saturday morning, BEFORE sunrise, my dear husband of 40 years got out of bed and wrestled me out as well. He had made plans with a clock buddy, Dan, to meet at our house at 6:30 a.m. and ride to Wimberley for Market Days. Now, I love flea markets and antique shows, but this was asking quite a bit of me, I thought. However, once I got some coffee, showered, and dressed — it wasn’t too bad at that time of morning. And . . . I WAS in the back seat of the car for the 30 minute trip to Wimberley, so my eyelids could check for light leaks without anyone noticing.

Wimberley Market Days has certainly grown since the last time we were there — the advertised “free” event becomes a $5 event if you wish to park within walking distance to the treasures for sale. The gates open at 6 am and believe this: we certainly were not among the early bird arrivals. With our sunscreen on, our full water bottles in hand, and our hats in place, we started our August Market Days treasure hunt. Terry and Dan were scouting for clocks or related items. I was not looking for anything in particular, because I’m broke! But, as always, whenever I do spot a bargain (especially for Samtiques) and look up at Terry with sad eyes, he bails me out. So, it was and I came home with a jar of buttons (vintage, that is), a punch bowl set (because the bowl would be great for banana pudding), and two art deco photo frames. The guys did find a good deal on three clocks, so we were all smiling as we headed for the parking lot before 11 am.

Lunch or breakfast at 10:55? Big decision! “Breakfast” won out. Of course, it was still perfectly all right to have a big waffle cone of Blue Bell ice cream afterwards. My favorite flavor now is “Chocolate Covered Cherry” — oh, it’s wonderful.

Made another stop in Wimberley — a new building that contains several shops. I returned to Unique Antiques to look at the old French upright piano again and to check for more estate jewelry that “a little old lady from Pasadena Houston” brings in on consignment. Terry and Dan headed upstairs to Hill Country Guitars, where Cousin Dale bought his Collings guitar and we bought Randy’s guitar last week. Learned that Dan plays a bass guitar and enjoyed looking at the group of old goodies for sale. Also, we were reminded about “don’t throw ANYTHING away.” Old amplifiers are sought out and bring big bucks — especially, of course, Fender brands — as in thousands of dollars.

Home again about 3:30 and the guys disappeared to the clock shop. I disappeared to the grocery store and Wal-Mart for a couple of hours. Enjoyed some rain on me and the car while out and about, but upon return to the house sadly saw dry grass and thirsty flowers.

Sunset and the guys are still working on some clock repairs. Dan brought one of his from home that needed work and asked Terry to help him. About 9 pm they came home for a home-cooked meal (yes, that’s right! — so, there goes my reputation) and then back to the shop for another hour.

Today, for the first time in a LONG time, we saw the sunrise and the sunset — and you know what, maybe we should do that more often. God’s beauty should not be missed!