Sam I Am

Trying to repeat this often so I won’t forget who I am! Seems like lately that my old memory “chip” needs to be recharged/replaced/updated or sent back for warranty work.

Now, don’t start reserving a room at the Alzheimer’s Clinic for me yet. I can still remember if I ate — I never stop — or where I live and what to do with the tv remote control (unlike the cartoon strip, Pickles, when Earl aims the cell phone at the tv, punches buttons, and after a bit hears a voice speaking in Chinese).

OK — here it is: I thought that today was “Thursday.” It is “Friday.” What happened to “Thursday?” Maybe it was here and left while I was sitting at the dining table trying to price linens I have bought for the past two years for resale. And that’s another story — as in, WHERE did I buy this hanky and what did I pay for it and what should I price it at so as to make a little profit. Now, I used to be a business teacher and consider myself a very good recordkeeper — but when you have hundreds of hankies, it gets old trying to describe each one in your inventory.

Here is another: I keep losing misplacing my glasses. Yeah, we all do that — even my grandson. But, it’s embarrassing when they are on top of your head and you’ve searched the house looking for them. Then, there’s the couple of times they have been left at an eating establishment — once in the booth seat and last Monday night on the floor next to the booth. These glasses must be “charmed” not to have been stepped on or sat upon before I retrieved them. They KNOW what it’s like to have been stepped on — I stepped on my own glasses about a month ago. They just fell on the ground and you’d have thought I had AIMED for them with my size 9 1/2’ers. Before I could even react to their gravitational urge, they were made unwearable! Thank goodness the Eye Clinic works miracles!

Another? All right — missed appointments. My hair stylist, Lisa, needs to start calling me the day before an appointment — a gentle reminder, like the ones from all of the doctor offices. Did medical staff call to remind us when we were younger? I don’t remember. I do put all of our appointments into an organizer now (something I never used before retirement) — and that helps, if I remember to go look at it every day or two!

Then, there are times when Terry and I are riding together and all of a sudden a thought or a question hits me. I share it with Terry. He almost slams on the brakes and tells me that he just finished telling me “that” . . . . Guess that’s where I heard about “it.”

As I write this, I look up above my computer screen and on a shelf is a small framed photo of my Dad, Gus. Seeing his sweet smile and expression remind me that “everything is fine.” So, I’ll stop worrying, fretting, and forget that I forgot.

Afterall, Sam I am, and that’s just the way it is sometimes.