Ever been to Branson? “Since 1959, The Baldknobbers Jamboree Show, Branson’s first show, has been entertaining folks for over 45 years from around the world.”
Well, Baldknobbers Beware . . . our family’s musical talent is trying to blossom. It is just a matter of days weeks months time before we’ll be performing our Jamboree close by you.
Cousin Dale’s recent visit here from Missouri started it all. He is an “Old Boone County picker,” and we consider him the best! Loved his pickin’ and singin’ and the free concerts he gave. It wasn’t long before he let me play a few tunes with him on my “new” 1926 Steinway baby grand. Now that I think about it, I’m sure he let me play along because of the piano — it is so pretty and sounds great, even when played by a novice. Continue reading